Triangle Global Health Consortium Career Day

On behalf of MoyoMedical (now known as Kalia Health), Denali was asked to be on the Trends in Global Health panel as part of the Triangle Consortium Global Health Career Day hosted by Duke University.  


Trends in Global Health Panelists

Left to right: Smisha Agarwal of Population Council, Linda Birnbaum of NIEHS, Denali Dahl of UNC and MoyoMedical Technologies, and Phaedra Boinodiris of IBM Academy of Technology.

Duke MSc. Global Health alumni and current students

Left to right: Rita Masese, Denali Dahl, Lilian Wafula, and Nanjala Wafula

Being asked to be part of the Trends in Global Health panel was a really cool opportunity to present alongside experts in ‘non-traditional’ global health sectors, as well as share the story of MoyoMedical and how entrepreneurship and engineering can be combined as tools to address global health challenges.”
— Denali Dahl